Monday hero: Max Liebermann

Last week Koos and I were in Berlin to look at the work of the German impressionist painter Max Liebermann (1847-1935)

We're asked to make a picturebook about him and his work for the beautiful series of children's artbooks published by the Gemeentemuseum The Hague and Leopold publishers.

This book, the 19th in the series already, will be published next spring, together with the exhibition of Liebermann's work at the Gemeentemuseum.

Liebermann spent a lot of time in Holland, painting on the coast, but also in Amsterdam and Laren for instance. These were the works we wanted to see, but we also visited his villa on the Wannsee, now a museum with a beautifully restored garden, see above.

Definitely worth the visit.

And now it's time to start the real work!


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